Our Sponsors

Become a WellMama Business Sponsor

Are you a business looking to broaden your audience and make an impact in our community? 

Consider becoming a WellMama Business Sponsor.

Becoming a WellMama business sponsor provides an opportunity to increase your business’ profile in the community. It also helps us offer valuable services to women and their families. Women have substantial buying power, often making financial decisions on behalf of their entire family, and they are a key demographic many businesses try to reach. WellMama can help you reach them.



Why Become a WellMama Business Sponsor?

Pregnancy and postpartum wellness are topics many women care about and have been personally affected by. By supporting WellMama, your company stands. It stands out as one with a social conscience that supports topics women care about, encouraging individuals to buy your products and services.

Make a One-Time Donation or Become a Sustaining Business Sponsor and Enjoy Recognition:

Where do the Business Sponsor Funds Go?

WellMama donations and grants fund 100% of our programs and services. Every donation directly goes to our programs and helps pregnant and postpartum women and their families. WellMama is a 501(c)3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Businesses may also sponsor WellMama promotional materials such as sweatshirts, coffee cups, or boxes of chocolate and enjoy their logo being reproduced and distributed for ongoing exposure. Contact us to learn more!

Option One: Become a Sustaining Supporter

Sustaining donations are recurring monthly donations that allow WellMama to plan for and maintain our basic services, such as our monthly support groups and professional training.

Sign up for recurring donations:

Can’t commit to monthly donations, but still want to help? There are other ways to support WellMama programs and services.

Option Two: Make a One-time Donation

Every little bit helps, and no donation amount is too small. Even $10 helps sustain our programs.
$2,400: Funds community outreach for six months
$1,000: Supports website development and services
$500: Funds support groups for one month
$250: Prints 1,000 pamphlets to distribute and build awareness of our programs
$100: Trains two volunteers to staff our Mama-to-Mama Peer Support Program
$50: Trains one staff volunteer
$25: Provides hotline phone service for one month
$10: Sustains basic services such website maintenance

Pick an amount above, or donate an amount of your choice below:
Custom Donation

Quick Links

Wellness Workshops
Recovery Stories
Join Our Facebook Discussion Group
Become a Business Sponsor

Contact Info

Eugene, OR 97401

Info & Warm Line: 541 525-0495
Fax: 541-344-1737